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Metal Text Effect | Only Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial


Tutorial por Paquo360

Learn how to design this attractive metallic effect in your texts with Adobe Photoshop.

Text background

Make a New Image, RGB Mode, white background. Here: 450*100 px.

Take Text Tool and write any text. Font: Anklepants 100 pt. grey color (AAAAAA), aa smooth.

Metal Text Effect 01

Rasterizer Type

First modify the text to be able to work on it: Layer > Rasterizer > Type.

After that make it a selection by pressing Crtl + clic on text layer or by: Selection> Load Selection - Channel = METAL Transparency

Save it: Selection > Save Selection - Channel = New - Name = METAL

Metal Text Effect 02

Working with Channels

Go to Channels Palette and there you see a channel called Metal, click on it to activate.

Now apply Gaussian Blur, but be carefull dont lose the selection: Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur

Apply the filter 4 times with the values 6, 4, 2 and 1 px the last one (fourth).

Metal Text Effect 03

Lighting Effects

Now apply Lighting Effects: Filter > Render > Lighting Effects.

Use the parameters of the next image.

Metal Text Effect 04

Metal Text Effect 05

Give it a bit deep and realism. Add a shadow and bisel: Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow - Layer > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss

The Result

Use the default parameters. And this is the result.

Metal Text Effect 06

This is the result with a textured background.

Metal Text Effect 07

Comentarios de Metal Text Effect | Only Photoshop

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    2006-11-12 03:08

    no!... Yes...Good.... I like Practice more !! See you NEXT Time ... StudioANGEL